News Of The Week.
I T is with deep regret that we record the breakdown of the Bloemfontein Conference. Sir Alfred Milner made certain proposals in regard to the franchise which would have given......
To Take Up Such A Position Appears To Us To
be not only a right, but a duty. When we say this we are not unmindful of the conduct of Mr. Rhodes and his associates towards the Transvaal, conduct which deserves the......
The Court Of Cessation Gave Its Decision In The Dreyfus
case last Saturday afternoon. The judgment, which is short, is strictly legal in form, and was signed by every one of the forty-six members of the Court. They decide, first,......
On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain Made A Statement In The House
of Commons,as to the nature of the negotiations and the reasons for their breakdown. He added that the despatch in answer to the petition of the Outlanders to the Queen, which......
Many Trials Will, It Is Believed, Spring From The Ashes
of the great one. The Marquis du Paty de Clam has been arrested, and will be tried on a charge arising from the evidence accepted by the Court of Cessation ; and it is reported......