On Tuesday, During The Report Stage Of The London Bill,
Mr. Courtney moved an amendment declaring that no person should be disqualified by sex or marriage from being elected an Alderman or Councillor. The amendment, which was......
We Note With Intense Regret That Mr. Mckinley Has Recently
issued an order releasing four thousand offices from the Civil Service and its rules, and placing them at the disposal of the politicians. This is said to be done with a view to......
Wednesday's Sitting Was Fertile In Parliamentary...
going into Committee on Sir J. Blundell Maple's Service Franchise Bill, which re-enfranchises police- men and shop-assistants living in cubicles, Mr. McKenna's amendment......
Mr. Balfour's Defence Of Lord Kitchener Was Excellent...
matter and manner. He dwelt upon the necessity of making the overthrow of Mandism final, and on the danger to which our officers and troops would have been exposed by a......
The Times Of Monday Quotes From A Striking Article On
Roman Catholicism in England, which Mr. Bagot, a Roman Catholic of great knowledge and experience, has lately con- tributed to the •Vuova Antologia, an Italian journal. His......
Mr. Robert Wallace, Who Died A Few Hours After A
sudden seizure while speaking in the debate on the grant to Lord Kitchener early on Tuesday morning, was one of the ablest and wittiest men of his generation. After a brilliant......
On Wednesday Mr. Balfour, Speaking At The Annual Banquet Of
the National Union of Conservative Associations, held in London, dealt with a fact which cannot be too often or too strongly insisted on,—namely, that Liberalism, i.e., Liberal......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 104.......