10 JUNE 1899, page 24

Stories From Shakespeare. Written And Illustrated By M....

Warne and Co. 6s.)—Here we have ten. of the dramas made into tales. Two of the tenure tragedies, two historical plays, the rest comedies. We cannot say that the attempt is......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not Dee* reserved for review in other forms.] A Russian Province of the North. By Alexander Platonovich Engelhardt.......

The King's Mother. By Lady Margaret Domvile. (burns And...

lady meant by this ambiguous title is Margaret Beaufort, the mother of Henry VII. The author has availed her- self of the existing materials, which indeed have been already......

A History Of Bohemian Literature. By Francis, Count...

Heinemann. 6s.)—Count Liitzow has certainly the advan- tage, if advantage it can be considered, of having a subject that will be almost entirely new to his readers (though,......

Robespierre And The Red Terror. From The Dutch Of Dr:

Jan Ten Brink, by J. Hedeman. (Hutchinson and Co. 12s.)—The writer of this notice remembers well how energetically the late Professor Cassel (of University College, London) used......

C. H Spurgeon's Autobiography. Compiled By His Wife „and His

Private Secretary. Vol. III., 1856.1878.. (Pasisixtere and - Alabaster. 10s. 6d.)—An " autobiography " " compiled" is somewhat of a mis- nomer. Much of the bcek, however, came......

The Beolution Of The Dwelling House. By Sidney Oxdall Addy,

M.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 6s.)—Some years ago Professor Baldwin Brown showed in an ingenious treatise (" From Schola to Cathedral") how the great ecclesiastical buildings......

The Romance Of A Pro-consul. By James Mllne. (chatto And

Windua. 6s.)—George Grey was gazetted to the 83rd Foot in 1829, served in Ireland, where he did not like the process of tithe-colleoting —if you invoke the Sermon on the Mount......