10 JUNE 1899, Page 25

Giants of the Game. By the Hon. R. H. Lyttelton

and Others. (Ward, Lock, and Co. ls.)—Mr. Lyttelton, who is responsible for more than half of the book, writes about some great cricketers of ale past. and of the present, beginning with Daft ; Mr. Ford tells us about " Big Hitters of Modern Times " (the grandest hit, " bar none," being one by Mr. W. H. Fowler over the old pavilion at Lord's) ; Mr. C. B. Fry about "Cricketers with whom I have Played" ; and Mr:G. Giffen on "Australian Cricketers of the Past and of To-day."

• Mr. Grace has, of course, a chapter to himself.—With this we may mention a manual of another game, The Modern Chess Primer, by the Rev. E. E. Cunnington (Rontledge and Sons, 2s.)