12 AUGUST 1922, Page 26

Question Time in Hyde Park. By the Rev. Clement F.

Rogers. Series IV. (S.P.C.K. 9d. net.)—Professor Rogers not only teaches theological students at King's College but also expounds Christianity to the crowd in Hyde Park. We are glad to receive another of the little books in which he records some of the questions hurled at him by sceptics or by Roman Catholics, with his answers and confirmatory illustrations drawn from many sources. This fourth series deals with Christianity in history, in three sections relating to toleration in general, to the Reformation and to the Church of to-day. Many people who do not frequent Hyde Park on Sundays will be glad to read this wise and kindly pamphlet. The value of Professor Rogers's voluntary labours is incalculable. We wish that there were many learned and devout men like him who would go into the streets and parks and expound the Christian religion.