12 AUGUST 1922, page 24


THIS FREEDOM.* A GIRL grows up in the straitened household of a country parson, where everything is sacrificed to the interests and caprices of not very agreeable male......

Other Novers.—daughters Of Hecuba. By Clara Viebig,...

Barwell. (George Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. net.)—As its title conveys, this is a war novel about the sorrows and sufferings of German women in war time. Its main interest for the......

The Grays. By Charlotte Bacon. (jonathan Cape. 7s. 6d....

as the title-page seems to indicate, this book is a first novel, it is a very promising piece of work. Its faults are the faults of youth—for the author takes life with almost......

Poets And Poetry.

BY-WAYS ROUND HELICON.* Ma. Imo Wrra - rams's By-Ways Bound Helicon is the offspring of an agreeable erudition. It is an anthology with a running commentary, and concerns itself......