12 AUGUST 1922, page 22

Shakespeare And Contemporary History.* Largely As The...

fright given in literary circles by the ease with which Macpherson, Chatterton, Ireland, and to a certain extent Bishop Percy, had imposed their forgeries, impious or pious, on......

A Brigadier In France4 Ainhough We Are Quite Aware That

war books are not now popular, we must mention this narrative by the late Brigadier- General Hanway Cumming (which has two brief introductions by Sir William Robertson and Sir......

Countess Sophie Tolstol* Those Who Are Interested In The...

of the human heart will find in this brief fragment of autobiography by Countess Tolstoi considerable matter for reflection. We do not here get a picture of Tolstoi like the......

At Sea With Joseph Conrad.t

HUMANITY is always curious about the private foibles of its gods. We are delighted when Max reveals the dinner-table idiosyncrasies of the Swinburne-Watts-Dunton menage. So we......