12 AUGUST 1922, page 1

News Of The Week.

P UBLIC attention during the past week has been focused on the Conference, first of the Prime Ministers and then of the experts, called to consider German reparations, German......

Next, We Could Still Further Make The Road Of Common

sense easy to France by telling her that, if our plan for reducing repara- tions is allowed to prevail, we will wipe out, or, at any rate, greatly reduce, the sum owed to us by......

At The Same Time, This Obvious Seriousness Makes All Con-

cerned most anxious not to do anything in a hurry, and not to break even the thinnest thread, if such a thread is still preventing complete severance. We may therefore feel sure......

Alter Further Criticism Very Much On The Line Adopted By

us last week, Lord Grey laid down specifically four very sound principles in regard to the settlement of the debt question " No one contemplates that we should give up that......

It Seems To Us That What Should Be Done During

the very short breathing space which is allowed us—action of some kind cannot be long postponed—is to think out some plan for giving France that sense of security which alone......

We Tell The French That There Is No Hope Of

getting anything out of Germany unless we first put Germany on her feet and enable her to become prosperous enough to pay France and the rest of the Allies what she owes them.......

On Wednesday, Lord Grey Of Fallodon Made A, Speech At

Oxford which shows that his judgment, his reasonableness, and his instinct for the middle course and the moderate course is still as strong as ever. Lord Grey began his speech......

In The Last Resort, The Source Of Trouble Is The

inability of the French Government and French people to believe that " half a loaf is better than no bread." They keep on insisting that they have got it. down in black and......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......