12 AUGUST 1922, page 26

Mystics And Heretics In Italy. By Emile Gebhart. (allen And

Unwin. 12s. 6d. net.)—The two most important works of Emile Gebhart are Les Origin's de la Renaissance en Italie, published in 1879, and L'Italie Mystique, which appeared eleven......

Copyright Condensed And Explained. By Lewis 0. Russell....

6d. net.)—Mr. Russell has attempted too much in trying to explain the law of copyright in sixty pages of large type. The Act of 1911, like most consolidating measures, has left......

A History Of English Law. By W. S. Holdsworth. Vol.

L (Methuen. 25s. net.)—Professor Holdsworth has rewritten his well known and valuable history of English law to 1485, in three volumes, and is continuing the work to 1700 in......

Storm And Sunshine In South Africa. By A. Theodore Wirgman.

(Longmans. 7s. 6d. net.)—The late Archdeacon of Port Elizabeth left these unpretentious memoirs of a long and useful career in South Africa. He went to Port Elizabeth as Rector......

Verbal Scholarship And The Growth Of Some Abstract Terms. By

A. C. Pearson. (Cambridge. 2s. 6d. net.)—The new Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge devoted his inaugural lecture to a defence of pure scholarship with special reference to......

The Bulletin Of The John Rylands Library, Manchester,...

developed into a learned periodical of great interest and value, contains in its July issue (Longmans, 2s. net) the hitherto unpublished text of eleven letters written by the......

The Royal Society For The Protection Of Birds Has Printed,

under the title of The Eggs of British Wild Birds and the Collector, some correspondence arising out of a recent speech in which Lord Buxton commented on the large numbers of......

Question Time In Hyde Park. By The Rev. Clement F.

Rogers. Series IV. (S.P.C.K. 9d. net.)—Professor Rogers not only teaches theological students at King's College but also expounds Christianity to the crowd in Hyde Park. We are......

With Life On The Sand And Rocks. The Authors Deal

systematically with the main biological problems of the sea-shore, such as the incessant change that is going on, the continual warfare between animals, their movements, their......

Overseas Visitors' Guide To London And The British Isles. By

Alwyn Pride. (Forster Groom. ls. 6d.)—This spirited little guide does not pretend to be exhaustive, but it should be very helpful to visitors from overseas who want to see as......