12 AUGUST 1922, page 16

Compton Dando.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sra,—In your article on the British Museum picture cards you mention the saying of a Somersetshire man about Compton. Dando. This interests......

Boggarts And Badgers.

[To rns Enrroa OP THE " Specrseoe."] Sia,—In your review of Professor Ekwall's book you refer to Boggart Hole Clough and ghosts. I am sorry to have to upset this little bit of......

Ways Of The Water-hen. [to The Editor Or The "

SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Mr. Douglas Gordon's article on the moor-hen reminded me of an incident I saw in one of the side streams at Cookham in 1911. The stream is about six yards......

Rarey The Horse-tamer.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The account of the refractory elephant and the mahout at the Zoo, published in your issue of July 22nd, influences me in sending the......

Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......

" The Pathless Wilds Of Connemara." [to Tee Editor Op

THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I have not seen the lines about "Dick Martin," to which you allude in your footnote to Mr. Bayne's letter, for something like half a century, but to the......

Family Bible Reading.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " Sercreroa."l Ent, —In common, I suspect, with every reader of the Spectator who has turned the vital pages of The Teaching of English in England—sent......

The " Spectator N Charity Organization Society Fund.

THOUGH the Spectator Fund is now closed, subscriptions sent to us will be forwarded at once to the C.O.S. Last week cheques for £1 Is. each were received by us from A. E. L. and......