12 AUGUST 1922, Page 26

Storm and Sunshine in South Africa. By A. Theodore Wirgman.

(Longmans. 7s. 6d. net.)—The late Archdeacon of Port Elizabeth left these unpretentious memoirs of a long and useful career in South Africa. He went to Port Elizabeth as Rector in 1875 and died there in 1917. He knew all the leading figures in polities, especially Mr. Rhodes and President Kruger, and he took an active interest in the affairs of the Church of England in South Africa. His comments on the Colenso case are worth reading ; it was, he says, mishandled here, not in the colony. He tells some amusing stories of Kruger, who actually sent him £5 towards the restoration of his church, though Kruger's sect, the Doppers, professed to regard the Anglican Church as " Romish."