12 AUGUST 1922, Page 3

Mr. Lloyd George went on to say that we were

not unduly favouring the Greeks. But for our interference the Greeks could occupy Constantinople and blockade the Asiatic coast to prevent Mustapha Kernel from getting arms from the West. He declared in emphatic words, to which, we trust, he will adhere at all costs, that there could be no settlement without adequate protection for minorities. The word of Angora was not enough ; it had not saved the life of a single Armenian or Greek. The Turks were evidently bent on rooting out all non-Mohammedans by deportation or massacre. On the other hand, Greece had made immense sacrifices for the liberation of the Greeks in Asia, in maintaining her armies and in sub- mitting to a compulsory loan equal to half the currency. " Such a people were worthy of the consideration of any country." The Prime Minister, in his steady resistance to the pro-Turkish and anti-Christian intrigues promoted from Moscow, Paris and Rome, deserves every encouragement.