12 AUGUST 1922, Page 3

The Prime Minister stated last week that the Royal Com-

mission on the Honours question would include—under the chairmanship of Lord Dunedin—Lord Denman, Sir Evelyn Cecil, Sir Samuel Hoare, Sir G. Croydon Marks and Mr. Henderson. The Duke of Devonshire had been invited to become a member. The Commission's task would be " to advise on the procedure to be adopted in future to assist the Prime Minister in making re- commendations to His Majesty of names of persons deserving special honour." In reply to the question whether the Com- mission was to inquire into the donations made to Party funds by recipients of honours, the Prime Minister said that it was for the chairman to interpret the terms of reference. He thus threw upon Lord Dunedin the responsibility for making the inquiry as comprehensive as it ought to be. However, the Commission cannot very well advise as to future procedure without thoroughly investigating the present methods of the Prime Minister's advisers.