Ia reply to a request from the editor of the
Montreal Star, Mr. Chamberlain has sent a message to the people of Canada, which appeared in the Times and other newspapers on Tuesday. After cordially acknowledging the patriotism of the Canadian people, Mr. Chamberlain states his profound convic- tion that "of all bonds that can unite nations, the bond of commerce is the strongest." The perception of this fact, he feels assured, will ultimately lead to the closer union between Great Britain and her Colonies which is the only foundation for a great Empire. Such union can only be brought about by mutual understanding, which has greatly advanced of late years, though the issue has never been fairly raised in the United Kingdom, the defeat of the Unionists at the last Election having been due. to causes outside the question of mutual preference. We do not agree with the substance of the letter, but it is with sincere pleasure that we note so marked a sign of Mr. Chamberlain's improvement in health.