Solicitors' Accounts.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] 8112, — I read the article on this subject in your issue of December 22nd, 1906, with a considerable feeling of annoy- ance, and no little......
The Lord Chancellor And The Magistracy.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE"SPECTATOR.'] Sus,—Your article on " The Lord Chancellor and the Magis- tracy" in the Spectator of January 5th omits an important point which is omitted......
Prayer-book Revision.
[TO TUB EDITOR OF THII . SPR0TATOR.1 SIR, — The Church of England claims and strives to be a national Church, and the organisation is in some measure adequate to the claim.......
College Scholarships At Oxford And Cambridge.
(TO Toe EDITOR OF TkIll 'SPECTATOR. "] Son,— " During the week beginning Tuesday, December 4th, there were some 430 boys being examined for scholarships and exhibitions at......