Solicitors' Accounts.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] 8112, — I read the article on this subject in your issue of December 22nd, 1906, with a considerable feeling of annoy- ance, and no little......
Burke On The Need Of A Religious Establishment.
[TO TRH EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.] SIB,—As an admirer of the Spectator, I venture to send you an extract from Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France "......
The Real Lady. Hamilton.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPRCTATOR.1 SIN,—In the review of my novel, " Andrew Goodfellow," which appears in the Spectator for December 29th, 1906, the follow. ing remark occurs :-......
The Cambridge Apostles.
[To nag EDITOR or rue SPRCIATOR."] SIB, — An interesting review in the Spectator of December 15th, 1906. has drawn my attention to " The Cambridge Apostles," by Mrs. Brookfield.......
The Test Of A Gentleman.
[To TER EDTZOlt OF THR SPRCTATOR.."] Sla,—In connexion with Mr. Fowke's remark in your last issue as to the difficulty of framing a generally acceptable definition of the word "......