12 JANUARY 1907, page 1

Constantinople Will Then Be Within Five Days' Journey Of...

The strategic advantages of this will be so great that the Turkish Government, in spite of its lose in the past, is eager to continue the work of construction. The difficulty is......

The Visit Of The Amir Of Afghanistan To The Viceroy

of India is evidently giving great pleasure to our guest, and, we cannot doubt, will have the effect of improving the relations between him and the Indian Government. Though the......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


The Times Of Wednesday Contained A Long And Valuable...

from its correspondent at Constantinople on the subject of the Baghdad Railway. Two years have elapsed since the first section was opened to traffic, and the Company now......

Events In Morocco Have Moved With Dramatic Swiftness....

the Shereefian troops attacked Raisuli's strong- hold at Zinat, some two thousand men being put in the field. At the critical moment they ran short of shells and cartridges,......

Last Week General Von Der Launitz, The Prefect Of St.

Peters- burg, was murdered, and on Wednesday morning General Pavloff, the Chief Military Prosecutor, suffered the same fate. He was shot in a small garden behind his rooms by a......

News Of The Week.

M UZIFFER-ED-DIN, the Shah of Persia, died on Tuesday night. The heir-apparent, Mahomed Ali Mirza, was acknowledged at once as successor by the Grand Vizier and the other......