12 JANUARY 1907, page 13

Lord Milner And Old-age Pensions. [to Rag Editor Of The

. SPZOTATOR."] SIR,—The article headed "Mr. Balfour and the Unionist Party " in your issue of January 5th appears to me mislead- ing as to Lord Milner ' s attitude towards......

The State Of The Navy.

[lu Tus NoITOtt OF TOE • SPIV:TATOU:1 SIR, —One of the strongest reasons for a searching inquiry into naval administration lies in the loss of Parliamentary control over the......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator. "] Sir,—your...

" has fallen into an error in stating that "following upon this inquiry [the House of Lords ' Committee] came the restoration of the old Board system by Mr. Goschen (1872), and......

[to Th. Editor 07 Tr! "sprctator:'] Sin,—mr. Austen...

in the Outlook for January 5th is an instructive commentary upon your excellent leader of the same date. In it he says: "Tariff Reform both offers the direct road to closer......