12 JANUARY 1907, page 17

Owen Glyndwr's Prison-house.

(To THE EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR"] SIR,—The care which you have always shown for the pre- servation of places of historic interest tempts me to write to you about a glaring act......


TO A MOTHER ON SEEING HER SMILE REPEATED IN HER DAUGHTER'S EYES A THOUSAND songs I might have made Of You, and only You ; A thousand thousand tongues of fire, That trembled down......

The Zancigs.

1 - 1.0 THE EDITOE Or TIM "SPECTATOR."' Sin,—The following may throw light on the " method" of Mr. and Mrs. Zancig. Some forty years ago my father, who held a country living in......

A Nigerian Aerolite.

[To THE EDITOB OF THE SPECTATOR"' SIR,. - SOME months ago, while visiting a village in this province, a thunderbolt or aerolite—I am too ignorant to know which—struck one of the......

The Real Lady. Hamilton.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPRCTATOR.1 SIN,—In the review of my novel, " Andrew Goodfellow," which appears in the Spectator for December 29th, 1906, the follow. ing remark occurs :-......

The Indian Mussulmans.

(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPICTATOB." J SIR,—In your "News of the Week" in your last issue you quote the Nawab of Dacca as speaking of a " noisy majority of other races,"—that is,......