[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,-With reference to Mr. Morse's letter in your -issue of .July 30th, will you permit me to draw the, attention of thosewho are interested in housing to the work that is being undertaken by a new public utility society, the Kensington Housing Trust ? Three schemes are already in hand in the Colborne Ward and Notting Dale areas of North Kensington, which, largely owing to the deplorable overcrowding, form breeding places for tuberculosis, rheumatism, and other deadly and damaging diseases. For a long period the infantile mortality rate in,, North Kensington has exceeded that for London as a whole.
A prospectus of the Kensington Housing Trust will shortly, be available. Contributions are required in the form of £1 shares, loan stock at 21- and 4 per cent., and free gifts. As a, prime object is to keep rents down to a figure that the poor can afford to pay, free gifts and loans at 22 per cent. are specially. invited.
The chairman of the Committee of the Trust is Lord Balfour of Burleigh, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Lowther Kemp, .
11 Kensington Park Gardens, W.11.—I am, Sir, &e., •
H. J. TOZER, 19 Kensington Park Gardens, W.11.