Country Life
A CRITICAL HARVEST. FEW harvests in our annals have been more critical than to-day's. Quite a large number of farmers have decided that wheat-growing must be surrendered if the......
Now These Forty Farms Which Showed An Average Loss Of
£1 an acre differed considerably. According to the analyst, who has twenty years' experience of such work, the propor- tionate loss was in all cases heaviest on the middle-sized......
* * * * The Use Of Wasps.
Nature is very perfectly balanced in England, and for myself I have a certain compunction in destroying even wasps. They are scavengers and mighty enemies of blight and flies.......
Air Currents Explain A Great Many Of The Accomplishments Of
birds, as airmen discovered as soon as they could fly. Wilbur Wright himself told me that he had studied bird.4' flight for interminable hours spread over many years, but......
Brief Panaceas.
It would be interesting, and of service, if the pick of our agriculturists would each put down in brief his or her own specific for farming. Mr. Strutt has done it through the......
Bird Canteens.
Another traveller's tale. Visitors to Switzerland, especially the Engadine, come upon wide areas of larch forest that look dead and brown instead of a lively green. The change......
Airmen And Swallows.
I hear indirectly from a great airman that the aeroplane has helped to settle one mystery, perhaps two, of birds' flight. In flying high over the Continent he came upon a flock......
A Great .helper.
Mr. Strutt is perhaps the chief agricultural consultant in Britain. He is a great helper. I may give one—quite inap- propriate—example. In December, 1914, I found the wounded in......