The Slum Problem
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-With reference to Mr. Morse's letter in your -issue of .July 30th, will you permit me to draw the , attention of thosewho are interested......
Advertising And National Prosperity
• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] , Srn,—I have read with great interest Mr. Norman Angell's article " Advertising and National Prosperity " in your. issue of June 4th, 1927,......
The Drink Trade .
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] have read with very great interest the articles, corre- spondence, and your comments on the above, and should like to refer to your note at the......
- [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sru,--Lord Astor in his letter says that the Trade has been.: agitating for a reduction in the spirit tax in order to obtain an increased consumption for a " bad purpose."......
Tiie Prayer Book Controversy [to The Editor Of The...
Sin,—The acceptance by the Church Assembly of the new Prayer Book by a majority of almost four to one in its favour inevitably changes the whole aspect of the controversy. An......