Last Saturday Part Of A Six-storeyed Building In...
the Royal Exchange, collapsed. The collapse had been foreseen, and no one was injured. The owners of adjacent buildings have received warning under the London Building Act that......
When Mr. Hicks, Who Is Chairman Of The Genet'', Council
of the Trades Union Congress and who is not a Communist, had been elected, the British delegates walked out. The matter is now referred to the Trades Union Congress, which will......
-it Is A Serious Reflection That The Ground In London
is ill-fitted for heavy. structures. St. Paul's Cathedral, if not Waterloo Bridge, gave us a plain warning. Nowadays we set up immensely heavy stone and steel- and concrete......
We Regret To Record The Death Of General Leonard Wood,
the Governor-General of the Philippines. Trained as a doctor, he used his appointment as a surgeon in the Army to study the art of war even more closely than the science of......
On Thursday, August 4th, General Smuts Spoke Excellent...
at Fochville about the Flag question. • He believed that the great majority of the Mitch desired to see the Vierkleur in the Flag of South Africa. It seemed to him " almost......
Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,
on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1011; on Wednesday week 101 A.; a year ago 101i. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 861; on Wednesday week......
It Is Astounding That British Trade Unionists, Who Are As
.a whole actively anti-Communist, should have allowed themselves to be represented on the International Federa- tion of Trades Unions by two Communists. When these two......
,mr. Runciman Has Announced His Withdrawal From The...
of the two Houses of Parliament which will decide whether the Prayer Book Measure is to be laid before Parliament. •. It is said that his reason is that as a Nonconformist he......