,Mr. Runciman has announced his withdrawal from the Ecclesiastical Committee
of the two Houses of Parliament which will decide whether the Prayer Book Measure is to be laid before Parliament. •. It is said that his reason is that as a Nonconformist he does not desire to take part in the controversies of the Church. If this is really his reason it is surely a misjudgment. The task of the Ecclesiastical Committee is to decide whether the Measure is a proper one to be laid before Parliament, and for that purpose what is needed is a judicial mind. If all Members of, Parliament who were not members of -the Church of England were to follow Mr. Runciman's example the nation would soon lose sight of the fact that the Church is by its constitution a National Church. Now that we are writing about the Prayer Book Measure we should like .to draw attention to the very able letter from Pro- fessor Relton, of King's College, London, which we publish this week. His argument for accepting the Measure seems to us unanswerable.