Mr. Baldwin's Speech At A Meeting Of The Empire And
Canadian Clubs before the opening of the Bridge was a model of high thinking. It was spiritual force, he said, which made men ready to give up comfort at home in order to bring......
News Of The Week
T ILE dedication last Sunday of the Peace Bridge over the Niagara River has done much to turn the adversity of Geneva to glorious gain. If the originators of the scheme for......
But If A Psychological Prepossession Exists In Both The...
Empire and United States that war between us is quite impossible, there will not be war. The memorable speeches at the dedication prove that this fortunate prepossession does......
General Dawes Made A Remarkable Speech. It Was Very...
not only because General Dawes is Vice- President of the United States, but because he is a possible candidate for the Presidency and has had close experience of European......
It Was On Thursday, August 4th, That The Naval Limitation
Conference at Geneva declared its inability to reach an agreement. The negotiations were then " adjourned "—a word carefully chosen—with a recom- mendation that the Conference......
Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...
London, W.C. 2.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......