Finance—public And Private
Should Railway Stocks be Bought ? WHEN I discussed last week the Railway results for the past half-year, I said that, allowing for all fair chances of increased dividends and of......
Prior Ciiarges.
To some extent, of course, these views are applicable to the Prior Charge stocks, though obviously the applica- tion is one of degree. Whatever may be the present security of......
Some Attractive Stocks.
I have not gone at all closely into the actual prospects for the current year, because I agree with the writer of the circular from which I have quoted that it would be unwise......
N.e.r. Siiortage.
This table showing the margin of cover sufficiently explains the wide divergence in the yield to the investor on the securities quoted. With the exception of the London and......
Margin Of " Cover."
Until the full annual Reports for the current year haVe been issued by the railways it is very difficult to judge the precise merits of Railway Prior Charge issues as measured......