When roads are mud, when the. useful Ford breaks down,
or when devious .bush-paths admit. of the employment only of a safari of painfully struggling.porters, aircraft seems to be clearly indicated as the dens ex machina. That, at all events, is the opinion of Sir Sefton Brancker, who flew at the beginning of this year from Khartoum to Nairobi, and who points out the valuable part the aeroplane can play—and play cheaply— in the development of a tropical colony, especially in the line of administration. Sir Sefton's article is only one in scores of others published in the Settlement Number of East Africa (3s. 6d.), which surveys from every point of view the resources, the development—economic, social, and ethical and the vast possibilities of our various possessions in East and Central Africa. The number is one of extraordinary interest and value.
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