13 AUGUST 1927, Page 22

A GARDEN IN WALES. By A. T. Johnson. (Edward Arnold.

16s.)—Between book gardening and practical garden- ing there is usually a great gulf fixed, but this delightful book by a practical gardener is full of sound' advice and hard- earned experience. The Western Counties of England have many gardens similar to this with regard to soil and climate —stony soil, sharp frosts, and a not excessive rainfall—and to their owners this book will undoubtedly prove not merely intensely interesting but full of excellent hints. The two chapters on hardy heaths (notably the section dealing with the summer-autumn bloomers) and on shrubs for dry soils are • particularly good. And one sympathizes profoundly with the author in his outburst against those folk who have the irritating habit of congratulating one on being " lucky." . " Little do these good folks know of the grim tale of sweat and backache which lurks behind the bright smiles of some rock garden ledge in the merry month of May."