Answers to the Dickens Paper
1. David Copperfield.-2. (a) Unspoken thoughts of Sydney Carton in Tales of Two Cities ; (b) Mr-Pocket in Great Expectations ; (c) Old Mr. Weller in Pickwick Papers ; (d) Mr. Lorry, his message to Lucie Nanette in Tale Of Two Cities ; (e) Captain Cuttle in Dombey and Son.-3. Miss Smithers of Westgate House Estab- lishment for Young Ladies, in Pickwick Papera.---=4. He referred' to sleeping under the dry arches of Waterloo Bridge.-5. Mr. Jack Hopkins.-8. In the Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey 7. (a) Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield ; (b) Mr. Peter Magnus in Pickwick Papers ; (c) Mrs. Gummidge in David Copperfield ; (d) Uriali Heap in David CoPperfield ; (e) Mr.' Turveydrop in 'Blecik House ; (f) Grip the Raven, in Barnaby Budge-8. This was the end of the autumn terms at Nun's House, the young ladies being the inmates of Miss Twinkleton's seminary for young ladies. 9. Mrs. Jellaby in Bleak House.-L-40. Mr. Jarndyce in Bleak House. -11. Joe, the Fat Boy in Pick-wick Pdpers.12. Mr. Pickwick. —13. Bleak House, Hard Times,- The Christmas Carol, Barnaby Budge, Edwin Drood, Our Mutual Friend, Barnaby Budge, Tale .
of TwoCities, Oliver . Twist. ,„ .