The German Crown Prince comes of age on May 6th,
and the Emperor of Austria has announced his intention of being present at the grand Court ceremonials with which the event will be celebrated in Berlin. The visit is regarded by the German Emperor and his subjects as a great honour ; and though it is said to have no political object, it is obviously intended to show to the world that the Triple Alliance is in- dependent of individual deaths, and is one between dynasties, which continue, rather than persons, who pass away. It is most important to remember that fact, which is corroborated by this other, that the two Empires must always have the same enemies. Neither Russia nor France is a Power that vanishes away. It is clear that England is not one of these enemies, for the Austrian Emperor, while sending the Golden Fleece to his Ambassador in Berlin, has also sent it to Count Deym, his Ambassador in London. Englishmen think lightly of foreign Orders, but this particular one confers almost a European status, and is never given to a subject unless he is believed to have per- formed the highest services to the Empire. Throughout the South African business Francis Joseph has always main- tained that Great Britain was within her right, that her success was to be desired, and that her enemies were the coalesced enemies of order and peace in Europe. English- men should not forget that when Austria is in trouble.