Interesting And Pleasant As Is The Record Of Egypt's Pros-
perity, the most important portion of the Report is that which deals with the attempt which Lord Cromer has made to cope with the indebtedness of the fellaheen. In every......
Lord Cromer's Annual Report On The State Of Egypt Is
this year of very special interest. In the first place, it shows that the past year in Egypt has been one of unusual prosperity, the revenue reaching the highest figure yet......
An " Unfortunate Occurrence " Was Reported By Lord Roberts
in a despatch dated Bloemfontein, April 5th, 9 p.m. A. small British force, consisting of three companies of the Royal Irish Rifles and two of the 9th Regiment Mounted Infantry,......
The Report Of The Royal Commission Appointed Five Years Ago
to inquire into the financial relations of the British and Indian Governments has at length appeared. It is only a majority Report drafted by the chairman, Lord Welby, but the......
The Rev. C. Phillips, Formerly Of Johannesburg, Replies...
force in Tuesday's Daily News to Mr. Cronwright- Schreiner's invidious comparisons of the treatment of natives in Cape Colony and the Transvaal. As for the Manifesto of the......
The Montreal Daily Star Publishes In A Recent Issue A
most interesting batch of letters from the Canadian soldiers at the front. They are animated by a most cordial spirit of good- fellowship towards their brothers-in-arms, and......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2t) were on Thursday 101.......