14 APRIL 1900, page 17


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your remarks on the annoyances and difficulties which beset public giving on the part of the rich may be illustrated by what I believe......


HUDSON'S BAY.* THE history of the Hudson's Bay Company is the familiar history of enterprise growing into dominion. First the traders explored the unknown land, and, with a......

Germany And England In 1854.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SFECTATOR."] SIR, —It is interesting, and even amusing, to notice the difference of the tone of the German Press at the time of the Crimean War from that......


MAKING HASTE. "SOON!" says the Snowdrop, and smiles at the motherly earth, "Soon!—for the Spring with her langnors comes stealthily OD. Snow was my cradle, and chilly winds sang......

A Reservist Colony.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —Some weeks ago an admirable article appeared in your paper headed "A Reservist Colony," suggesting that after the war for supremacy in......