Paternal Government.
[To TILE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Siu,—As you truly remark in the Spectator of April 7th, any attempt to raise the wages of women by law would only result in the dismissal of......
A Brave Soldier.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " gPECTATOR."] SIR, —Yon may, perhaps, consider the enclosed letter worthy of publication as an instance of quiet and sustained courage on the part of a......
[to The Editor Op The "spect T:tor.")
SIP.,—Mr. Stone surely goes too far in asking whether there was ever an Englishman who named his son George before the Hanoverian Sovereigns brought the name into fashion, for......
A Reservist Colony.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —Some weeks ago an admirable article appeared in your paper headed "A Reservist Colony," suggesting that after the war for supremacy in......
[to The Editor Of The "speotator.1
SIR,—Will you permit me to reply to the inquiry of your correspondent, E. D. Stone, " Was there ever an Englishman who named his son ' George ' before the Hanoverian succes-......