14 APRIL 1900, page 24
Miscxwasxons.—the Handbook Of Jamaica, 1900. Compiled By...
Jos. C. Ford. (E. Stanford. 6s.)—We note that both exports and imports show an increase for 1898-99 over 1897-98 ; the first showing £1,662,542 against £1,431,368, the second......
Gardening Books.—the Century Book Of Gardening. Edited By...
Cook. (George Newnes. 18s. net.)—We cannot say more than that this volume, in appearance and quality, is worthy of its object. It combines beauty and utility. The illustrations......
New Editions. —in The "chiswick Shakespeare" (g. Bell And...
Lear, with Introduction by John Dennis and Illustrations by Byam Shaw. A sentence or so might have been given in the introduction to the moral, which is more pointedly given......