14 APRIL 1900, page 22

Frances Mary Buss Schools Jubilee Magazine Is A...

of the fiftieth anniversary of the North London Collegiate School for Girls. The occasion commemorated, and this very interesting record, both of the cause and of the person.......

Inorganic Evolution As Studied By Spectrum Analysis. By...

Lockyer. (Macmillan and Co. 4e. net.)—This volume gives an account of Sir N. Lockyer's recent inquiries into the " chemistry of the stare." It begins with directions for making......

Catalogue Of The Johis Bylancls Library, Mosolsootor. 4...

E. Cornish, Manchester.)—This very handsome book is worthy of its subject, watch, indeed, has pre-eminently the "note" of magnifi- cence. Never was money more magnificently......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading lee notice such Books of the week as hare not been reserved for review in other forms.] Andromache : a Play in Three Acts. By Gilbert Murray. (W. Heinemann.......

In Time Of War : Poems By The Late Archbishop

Treacle. (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co. fid.)—Archbishop Trench wrote these poems between the years 1854 - 1860; and they are now most seasonably republished. Every mood that we......

Novels Of The Week.*

MR. WEYA1A.N'S new novel—dedicated with laconic eloquence "to the gracious memory of James Payn "—proves that a sound instinct has led him to the England of the eighteenth......