14 APRIL 1900, Page 23

SOUTH AFRICAN BOOKS.—That very striking brochure, The Birth of the

Bond (J. Slater, Urahamstown, ls.), noticed in these columns a fortnight ago, has reached a third edition. —South Africa, 1899 - 1900. By F. Carruthers Gould. (Westminster Gazette. 1s.)—Mr. Gould is always amusing and always good-humoured. The pencil, at least here in England, seems to be under much better control than the pen.—The War to Date. By A. H. Scaife. (T. Fisher Unwin. 3s. 6d.)— We have in Mr. Scaife's hook a summary of the war up to March 1st. The first half-dozen chapters are devoted to history, and we think our author has shown greater skill in sketching the history of the Republics and the characteristics of the Boer than in his subsequent descriptions of the war. These lack the real military insight and grasp of details, though the striking features of some events are well brought out. The time has not yet come for the historical treatment of the war ; at pre- sent the war correspondent must hold the field with his more vivid and stirring style. There are several excellent illustrations.