[To THE EDITOR. Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—In a letter to the Spectator of December 7th Mr. W. R. Prior writes :— "First of all she [Deumark] wants the iniquitous Peace of Vienna declared null and void and the former conditions restored before the question of the future fate of the German-inhabiteel Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg, with the Kiel Canal as well, and of Danish Slesvig, are finally adjusted.. . ."
Allow ine to point out that this statement is completely fictitious. On October 23rd the polioy of Denmark was laid down in a joint sitting of the Rigsdag, item 2 of the resolution passed running as follows :— "it is agreed that there shall be no alteration in the present position of Slesvig, other than the establishment of an order of things based on the principle of nationality."
Furthermore, on November 17th the political organization of the Slesvig Danes passed a resolution to the effect that a plabiscite ought to be taken in North Sleevig, the said territory being bounded to the south by A line running, roughly speaking, north of Flensburg and south of Tondern. At the same time it was sug- gested that the adjoining districts of Middle Slesvig (south of the said line) might by a separate vote signify their desire to be re- united with Denmark; but it will be quite clear from those resolu- tions that the representatives of the Danish people, as well north as south of the present frontier, do not intend to meddle with conditions in Lauenburg. Holstein, or even South Slesvig. The reasons why have been correctly set forth in the correspondence to the Westminster Gazette mentioned in the Spectator's editorial nate to Mr. Prior's letter, and also in an article in the Observer oi November 10th.—I am, Sir, &o., Ears Mount". Danish Legation, Press Department.