14 DECEMBER 1918, page 12


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—NOW that the war has been brought to a victorious 'con- clusion, the period of reconstruction is at last within sight. The problem of......

Proxy Voting.

(To THE Enrroa Or THE " SPEcrnsoa.") . "beg to take exception to the following sentence in the , "News of the Week" in your edition of the 30th ult.—viz., "The proxy system is......

"ca' Canny."

[To THE EDITOR Or T'HE " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—Many people could give instances of "Ca' canny" as forcible as the one quoted by Mr. Barnes-Austin in the Spectator; few, I imagine,......


[TO THE EDITOE Or THE " SPEGRATOB.,,"] Ste,—The "last ditch" of the partisans of the Ottoman Caliphate is the contention that the Moslem world, and especially the Moslems of......

The Belgian Vine And The Kaiser Goat. [to The Editor

Or THE "SPECTATOR."] IFTu,—The Greek Anthology contains an epigram (Anth. Pal. IX. 75) curiously appropriate to recent events in Belgium. The vine- tree addresses its mortal......

North-east Ulster And Great Britain.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.") , gin,—Your correspondents in the issue of November 30th who advocate the joining of the Six Counties of Ulster with Scotland instead of with......

The Development Of Our Fisheries. [to The Editor Or The

"SPECTATOR."] was much interested in your article on "The Development ad Our Fisheries," and the writer touches the vital spot when he mentions "distribution." The entire......