M. Paul Hyraans, The Belgian Foreign Minister, Stated...
that Belgium would ask at the Peace Conference for the revision of the Treaty of 1839. This Treaty gave part of Limburg to Holland and part of the province of Liege to Prussia,......
Professor Hans Delbeick, The Well-known Professor Of...
and editor of the Preu.ssische Jahrbilther, the chief German monthly review, confesses in the December issue, according to the Times, that, like Grote, he has outlived his......
An Official Return Shows That Our Net Loss Of Merchant
shipping during the war, up to the end of October, amounted to 3,4431012 tons. Our total losses from all causes were 9,031,828 tons, but we built 4,342,296 tons of new shipping,......
The Political Situation In Germany Is Still Obscure. On...
week a force of soldiers, after offering Herr Ebert the Presidency of the "German Social Republic," arrested the Committee of the Workmen's and Soldiers' Council and dispersed......
The Bing Of Rumania Re-entered Bucharest Last Sunday...
and French troops formed part of his escort. Not only has Rumania been liberated from the erfemy, but the four million Rumanians across the mountains in Transylvania have......
Some Of The Pessimists Who Are Suggesting That Germany...
make reparation for the wilful damage done by her in France and Belgium and elsewhere and to our merchant shipping have revived the old paradox that France benefited in 1871 by......
The Railwaymen On Thursday Week Threatened A General...
next day the War Cabinet conceded them the principle of an eight-hour day, beginning with February lst, and the strike was averted. It was then explained by Sir Albert Stanley......
The Report Of The Civil Aerial Transport Committee, Which...
summarized in Monday's papers, shows that the aeroplane and the airship may be used to good purpose for carrying passengers, mails, and light articles, not only at home but in......
On Thursday Week Mr. Godfrey Isaacs Failed In His Appeal
for a fresh trial of his action against Sir Charles Hobhouse. The Court held that there had been no misdirection of the original trial by Mr. Justice Darling. It will be......
Sweden, Which Has Allowed German Diplomatists A Free Hand In
their work of propaganda and spying during the war, has now found that she must deny the Bolshevik agents a similar privilege. Voronsky, the Bolshevik emissary at Stockholm, has......
The Lancashire Cotton-spinners Struck Last Saturday For A...
of wages than the employers would concede. The em- ployers offered a rise of 40 per cent, on standard rates ; the spinners asked for 40 per cent, on their current wages, which......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.
April 5, 1917.......