Bbadable Novzirs. — Red Herrings. By C. J. Cuteliffe...
Co. 6s. net. )—Short stories by Mr. Cutdiffe 11y:ware. always good reading. Perhaps the first of these sketches, entitled "Getting Terrific to Sea," is the most......
Gift -books.
CHILDREN'S BOOKS.t In Wheelabout and Gears/one is a charming story-book. Fairies and mortals live on good terms in Wheelabout Wood, and though evil, as personified in the......
The Irish Theatre.*
TEE native-written, native-acted, native-produced drama in Ireland has, after many vicissitudes, reached a stage of suspense from which it is doubtful how far or in what......
IN this collection of short stories Mr. Neil Munro reveals himself in various moods. Three of the eleven tales end in tragedy, Aeschylean in its black intensity in "Young......
Great E1tropean Treaties4
A HANDY volume giving the texts of the principal European Treaties from ISIS with brief Introductions and notes is very welcome at this moment, and Sir Augustus Oakes and Mr. R.......
Servantle Ss.*
Tire servant problem, rendered acute by the war, is not one which we can hope will disappear with the coming of peace. In a tem- porary reaction it may become less acute for a......