A German War Indemnity.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—Mr. Dixon's warning lest we ask for a war indemnity from Germany in gold is hardly necessary. Germany's aggregate of gold is at most......
N.6!1.i./balized Aliens And Others.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sig,—Whither is this alien-hunt leading us ? At one moment.the Prime Minister, speaking the saner mind of the country, diamieses it as a......
[TO THE EDITOE Or THE " SPEGRATOB.,,"] Ste,—The "last ditch" of the partisans of the Ottoman Caliphate is the contention that the Moslem world, and especially the Moslems of......
The Kiel Canal.
[To THE EDITOR or crez "SPECTATOR.") Stit,—With regard to the letters of Mr. Moe and Mr. Prior in the Spectator of November Seth and December 7th. and your notes thereon, may I......
Denmark And The Duchies.
[To THE EDITOR. Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—In a letter to the Spectator of December 7th Mr. W. R. Prior writes :— "First of all she [Deumark] wants the iniquitous Peace of......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectltor."1
Sin,—" Among the crimes of which the Kaiser can be rightly and justly accused" surely the invasion of the neutral territory of Belgium ought to be included. Articles I. and II.......