14 DECEMBER 1918, Page 11



Stit,—With regard to the letters of Mr. Moe and Mr. Prior in the Spectator of November Seth and December 7th. and your notes thereon, may I call your attention to what the late Lord Redesdale wrote in hie Memories where he tells how when he was a Secretary of Lega- tion to Lord Napier at Petersburg in 1864 he was celled up at night to go to the Embassy to decipher a telegram from Lord John Russell directing the Ambassador to go to Prince Gortehakoff and tell him that England would not join with Russia to prevent the seizure of alesvig-Holsbain by Prussia? When Lord Napier returned from his interview with the Russian Minister he told Mr. Mitford that Prince Gortchakoff hed said; " Alors, flord, je mets de cata in supposition qua l'Angleterre tease jaanais guerre pour nue question d'hozoieur "; and Lord Napier remarked; "A nice thing for an Englishman to have to read! I have not the book by me, so am quoting from memory.—I stan, Biz, &a, P.