Proxy Voting.
(To THE Enrroa Or THE " SPEcrnsoa.") . "beg to take exception to the following sentence in the , "News of the Week" in your edition of the 30th ult.—viz., "The proxy system is......
The Central Church Fund.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR...] SIH.—Having read your remarks concerning the Central Church Fund in your issue of November 30th, I venture to suggest that the scheme of......
The Winchester Memorial.
(To THE Maros or THE "Srecraroa.") Sie,—You have already been kind enough to publish one or two letters dealing with the Winchester College War Memorial. Mr. Herbert Baker's......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectator-"l Sta,—may I Also
make an appeal through your columns to Wyke- hamists, and lovers of the beautiful, to do all in their power to prevent the destruction of Ringsgate Street, Winchester? The......
The Position Of Assistant-masters In Public Schools.
(To THE Eritrea OF THE " Siscuroa."1 Sie,—Pnblic School Masters are indebted to your contributor for having drawn attention to the position of those who teach in the Public......
[to Sae Editor Of The "spectator."] Stn,—the Writer Of The
article on " The Position of Assistant- Masters in the Public Schools of England" does not appear to be aware that the Board of Education intends to bring under the new Pension......