The political situation in Germany is still obscure. On Friday
week a force of soldiers, after offering Herr Ebert the Presidency of the "German Social Republic," arrested the Committee of the Workmen's and Soldiers' Council and dispersed by machine- gun fire a mob of Herr Liebknecht's followers who tried to rescue the Committee. It was stated on behalf of Herr Ebert and his colleagues that the soldiers had made a mistake in arresting the "Soviet," and the soldiers' leaders were arrested in their turn. The Army, whose discipline seems to be unshaken, appears to be on the side of Herr Ebert. At Chemnitz an Uhlan regiment refused to disarm at the instance of the local " Soviet " and turned its machine-guns on the crowd. Similar incidents are reported from other places. The old officials retain their posts, and are perhaps awaiting the resumption of the old order of things.