14 DECEMBER 1918, Page 14


(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SLR,—Can you help us (the wives and mothers of dead heroes now lying abroad) to remonstrate against the arbitrary manner in which the "War Graves Commission's" Report seems deciding for us, the relations, as to the burial or reburial of our dearest belongings ? Cemeteries, head-stones, altar-stones, and °resew; all catalogued. I should prefer infinitely that my 60II should be allowed to remain where buried in 1915, ,olose behind our lines with four of his Somerset men who fell at the same time, or if moved at all, removed home, at our expense naturally. But it seems to us a far more telling memorial might be if a road were made across from the Belgian sea-coast into France, taking in Ypres, Hooge, Armentieres, Reims, and Verdun. Existing roads might be used and an avenue formed by trees from England, which I feel sure many homes would gladly suppply. Oak, elm, Scotch fir, Lombardy poplars, and tall Italian cypress ;would all be Imitable, according to the nature of the soil, and of course by =pr' athite. I cannot imagine a Mere fitting way of per- petuating the memory of those who have died kbattle than this living memorial of a Road of Liberty or Avenue of the Allies, as it might appeal to French as well as to British and Belgian senti-