The Rhine is now an international river. British troops entered
Cologne on Friday week, and have since occupied Bonn. The Belgian Army holds the left bank of the Rhine north of Cologne. The Americans are at Coblenz and occupy the picturesque stretches of the river towards Rolandseok on the north and Bingen on the south. The French are occupying Mainz and the old Palatinate towards the border of Alsace. The " bridgeheads " on the right bank, forming semi-circles with a radius of nineteen miles, have yet to be taken over by the Allies. The inhabitants have shown themselves well behaved. Aocording to the correspondents, there is more food in Western Germany than in France or Belgium, though the prices are high. Dr. Soll's appeais for his starving countrymen seem to have been part of the mendacious official propaganda which is Germany's last remaining weapon of offenee,