German Designs on French Lorraine. (Allen and Unwin. 6d. net.)—This
is a complete translation of the secret Memorandum addressed to the German Chancellor in December, 1917, by the Association of German Iron and Steel Manufacturers. These influen- tial people asked for the annexation of that part of Lorraine which was left to France in 1871. Germany, they urged, must have more ironfields under her control, if she was to wage the next war success- fully. French Lorraine was rich in iron deposits. Therefore, so the ironmasters argued, Germany must annex French Lorraine. The war has not ended in the way they expected, but this Memorandum deserves notice as an example of Germany's real war aims which the Allies have foiled. The ironmasters asserted, incidentally, that but for the occupation of the Briey mines in 1914 Germany would not have had enough iron to provide a full supply of munitions.