Ulm/misery CALENDARS.—The Universities, which have suffered so much during the
war, may now hope once again to attract young men by their calendars and handbooks, which have received scant ' attention since 1914. We may briefly record the appearance of the interesting and well-edited Student's Handbook to the University and • Colleges of Cambridge (Cambridge University Press, 6s. net), which was revised to the end of June last; of the Abridged Calendar of University College, University of London (Taylor and Francis), in which the Provost's account of the war services of past and present students should be noted ; of the University of Liverpool Calendar (Liverpool University Press) ; and of the Mysore University Calendar (Mysore : Wesleyan Mission Press), which describes the work of the first University founded (in 1916) in the Native States and is- well worth reading. The University is State-supported, and includes a College for men and a College for women at Mysore and two Colleges, one of them for engineering, at Bangalore, with nearly seven hundred students ; it has Students' Unions, Extension Lectures, and the other accompaniments of a modern British University.