MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for August
:—The Art Journal, No. 33 of Our Celebrities (containing photographic portraits of Captain Hawley Smart, the Duchess of Leinster, and M. Lanteri), the Magazine of Art, Part 5 of the Universal Atlas, the Theological Montag, the Classical Review, the Anglican Church Magazine, the Religious Review of Reviews, the Homiletic Monthly, the Homilist, the Expositor, the Month, the Clergyman's Magazine, the Journal of Education, the New Review, the Forum, the Newbery House Magazine, the International Journal of Ethics, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, the Gentleman's Magazine, the Dublin Review, Temple Bar, the Cosmo- politan, Belgravia and its Holiday Number, the Atlantic Monthly, the Century, Lippincott's Magazine, the Argosy, the Ludgate Monthly, Atalanta, the United Service Magazine, the Strand Magazine, the Parents' Review, London Society and its Holiday Number, Chambers's Journal, Cassell's Magazine, Good Words, the Quiver, the Sunday at Home, the Leisure Hour, the Sunday Magazine, the Monthly Packet, the Girl's Own Paper, Harper's Young People, the Boy's Own Paper, and St. Nicholas.