15 AUGUST 1891, page 1

It Was In 1848 That, Under The Influence Of Disgust

at the Mexican War, and the unprincipled motives which led so many to support it, he began the " Biglow Papers," which will im- mortalise his name in the eyes of Englishmen and......

The Death Of Mr. James Russell Lowell, Formerly The American

Minister in England, who was transferred hither from Spain in 1880, and served his country admirably in London for five years, and who was even better known as a great......

News Of The Week.

m R. BALF017R addressed a great meeting of between three and four thousand persons in the Guildhall, Ply- mouth, on Monday. We have drawn attention in another -column to that......

The Youthful King Of Servia—he Is Fifteen, And Has There-

fore three more years of minority before him—left Peterhof on Saturday last, en route for Vienna, accompanied by M. Ristich, the chief Regent. What amount of significance is to......

The Election For Walsall On Wednesday, For A Member In

the place of the late Sir Charles Forster, showed the very consider- able strength of the Unionist Party in that great borough. The Gladstonians gained the day ; but the poll,......

On The Following Day, Mr. Balfour, In Replying To A

toast to the Liberal Unionists, passed the warmest panegyric on the fidelity of the Liberal Unionists to the Conservative alliance, and predicted that, from being temporary and......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
